I was very sad today when I got a email that told me iSYNDiCA was closing. I use this service to upload all my files to my stock sites. This service was saving me so much time, it is sad that they are closing down. All your subscription and credits will be refunded which is great but I really liked used iSYNDiCA, I hope someone else takes it over or has something the same to offer.
Original announcement and There Q&A are here on there website: http://www.isyndica.com/closing
iSyndica is closing
We wish to thank all of you for your support over the past 2 years. Unfortunately, we have, for many reasons, decided to discontinue the service, with an effective last day set to October 10, 2010.
We have compiled the list of Q&As below to help you understand our handling of the situation. Further contact will also be made on a one-to-one basis within your iSyndica account and by e-mail.
How long will the service remain available?
Service will remain available and fully operational until October 10, 2010 at 23:59:59 UTC. However, effective immediately, you will no longer be able to place orders for credits or storage, or change your subscription.
Will I get a refund?
Yes. On October 10, 2010, your subscription and credit balance will be tabulated to provide you with a pro-rated refund. Information will be made available in your account detail pages and you will further be contacted to arrange for the refund.
Will you pay my affiliate balance?
Yes. Your affiliate credits will be paid out as part of your final refund.
Will there be any payout limit?
No. There will be no payout limit: we will honor our obligations in full and refund you all that is owed to you.
What happens to my files online?
You can download your files from your account individually, or use a custom FTP connector to export them to a server under your control. If you run out of credits for this operation, please contact us and we will arrange for an export of your files.
After October 10, 2010, all files will be deleted permanently from iSyndica.
Can I download a backup of my file catalog?
Yes. If you do not have an external FTP server available, you can use iSyndica’s FTP to syndicate any file you wish to backup there, then download them to your computer. Visit your FTP account settings to get your login information and configure a generic FTP connector on your Channel List. Then syndicate all the files you wish to download. Once syndication is complete, simply connect using your favorite FTP client and download your files.
What about my private information?
Your information will be erased from the system before we even close our hosting account, to ensure your privacy. We will not sell your email address or anything. By all means, feel free to change your agency login information – it is a good practice to change your password ever once in a while.
What about my Amazon or Paypal subscription?
Within a few hours, all payment subscriptions will be permanently canceled. You will no longer be charged for anything. You may receive a notification e-mail from Amazon or Paypal (respectively) informing you of the cancellation.
Who do I contact if I have further questions?
Please send an e-mail to our support group and we will do our best to address your inquiry.

Popularity: 9% [?]
Hannu Viitanen - Hello Melissa…
it seems we are “in the same boat”. I´ve delivered all my microstock photos and graphics via iSyndica and now I´m feeling almost hopeless. If you find something which will provide the same services, please let me know.
Hannu Viitanen
Melissa King - Yes I will let you know if I find anything else that will work like iSYNDiCA. I am at a loss, it was so easy with this site. 🙁
Mornay van Vuuren - Hi guys
I’m sharing the same sadness! I’ve only been doing the microstock thing for about 5 months, but iSyndica has been a great time saver. I have done quite a lot of research, but have not found anything as nice as iSyndica.
We have some systems development skills in our team and we might look into developing a similar system once we’ve done some research on why iSyndica actually closed. I could post a link to our forum / blog here if you wish to follow the developments?
Melissa King - Oh yes please do! I would love to follow the development! Thanks
Mornay van Vuuren - I’ve started a new blog at http://ignitelab.blogspot.com/. I will post our findings there. In the meantime I might just use Prostockmaster. Not the same as iSyndica though!
Nick Jones - Its like breath away to know that iSyndica is withdrawing services and I have requested support team to bring it back alive, just a raise of hope… Does anyone has alternative?
ArenaCreative - That stinks. I never tried it, because I’ve always been happy with an older version of cushystock, which doesn’t even have a month to month subscription fee. It’s great for keying, copying metadata from one image to another similar image, and batch ftp uploading. Mostphotos.com has the option to download your complete portfolio, so it’s a nice backup backup solution, and it’s free also. Can’t beat that 😀
.-= ArenaCreative´s last blog ..gfdgfg-27 =-.
Rosina Whitey - i can’t tell if i’m having challenges with my net connection, or my internet browser on your website, or what, although the top component of the webpage is offset to the right
Sam Chadwick - Hi Melissa.
Saw your post today. Also happened to run into another post on Microstock Insider. Think it might be a replacement for you.
Ivelin Radkov - You can try PicWorkflow: http://www.picWorkflow.com/?by=328
It works pretty much like iSyndica ! 🙂
DE PC Repair - Quite intriguing post. Do you actually plan on adding additional content or maybe writing a blog a lot more? My site is DE Computer Repair I assume you actually you shouldn’t mind however I have provided your own blog to a number of my associates as well. Very good work! By chance would you like to exhange websites?
Francisco Thon - Nice blog are you on twitter?
Melissa King - yes I am on Twitter my twitter url is https://twitter.com/#!/melking_ I hope you follow me! 🙂